Can you still study medicine with a 3.0?

Henry Hildebrandt

Henry Hildebrandt

Germany's leading expert in applied neuroscience and cognitive optimisation

Reading time: 4 minutes
Last updated: 26 February 2025
Can you still study medicine with a 3.0?

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Can you still be with 3.0 Study medicine? What A-level average do you need to study medicine?

The Abitur is one of the first big and most difficult exams in life. Over the course of 2.5 years, your ability to survive the school system is tested at regular intervals. This is a lot of pressure for some people and not everyone copes with it equally well.

So it's logical that you can fail the exams pretty badly, even if you study a lot for them. During the Abitur and afterwards, many people lose hope. The hope of making it into medical school even with "poorer" grades. Even though for many it is a long-awaited dream.

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Prerequisite for studying medicine

Let's start by looking at the NC the basic requirement for studying medicine is the Abitur. If you have the Abitur in your pocket, then you can already apply for medicine.

But even without an Abitur, there is a way to study medicine. This works via the 2nd educational pathway, but that's not what this article is about.

What A-level average do you need for medicine?

There is a fairly quick answer and a longer one that is a bit more complicated: The short answer is that you need a place on a medical degree programme to get a place straight away, at least 1.1!

However, this only applies to 20% of all study places! This rule does not apply to the remaining 80%. So is there still hope for all those whose A-levels are worse than 1?

They definitely exist! There are countless ways in which you can improve your average grade and get a place at university.

Should the A-level grade have such a big influence?

The numerus clausus can be the reason why you give up your dream of medicine. It could be because you convince yourself that you are not good enough to pass your degree programme. Or because people around you tell you that you need an average of 1.0 to even get a place.

But one thing is clear. A final grade should never have such a big influence on your life! The good thing is:

The Abitur grade doesn't have that either, as long as you have the necessary willpower.

How to improve your A-level average and get a place at university as quickly as possible: the best strategy for you!

Not sure how to get a place on a medical degree programme?

We will advise you free of charge and work with you to find the best way for you to fulfil your dream of studying medicine.

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You don't need a plan B!

To take away some of your fears, you should know that you can study medicine with any A-level average imaginable! So even with a lower A-level, you can study medicine and this is often the case! That's also the reason why it might make sense for you not to think about a plan B for studying medicine.

This way, you focus entirely on how you can make the seemingly impossible possible. Ultimately, the only thing that counts is how much you are prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

Be it financial means, a lot of time, a lot of learning stress or a long journey abroad and much more. The options are varied and versatile. It is very likely that you will find the right solution for you! Even with an A-level average of 3.0 or worse.

So you can still study medicine with a 3.0?

Definitely! Of course, the path to studying medicine would have been easier if you had a 1 average from the start. But this average is not absolutely necessary!

Even students with an A in front of the decimal point now have to fight for a place at a state university. The TMS has become the standard, with no exceptions.

Many of the students with an A-level will later have to take similar paths to you. Save yourself time, money and a lot of mistakes by taking a shortcut here:

Study medicine with a 3.0: Improve numerus clausus

So now you know that you can find a way into medical school with any NC. Now it's time to find the right path for you to study as quickly as possible.

To this end, we offer a strategy consultation in which we work together to find out which route into medical school makes the most sense for you. We will take your individual needs into account! There are also some tips on the FSJ, Nursing internship and to bridge the gap.

Not sure how to get a place on a medical degree programme?

We will advise you free of charge and work with you to find the best way for you to fulfil your dream of studying medicine.

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