Career opportunities studying medicine: Is the university important?

Henry Hildebrandt

Henry Hildebrandt

Advisor at futuredoctor

Reading time: 5 Minuten
Last updated: 18 June 2024
Career opportunities studying medicine: Is the university important?

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Career opportunities studying medicine: Is the university important? We often hear about the classic elite universities such as Heidelberg, Charite Berlin or Munich and their high reputation in Germany and Europe.

But does it really make such a big difference to your career where you studied? For example, is it similar to a business degree programme and the place of study is decisive for later success in business? We explain in this article.

These medical universities in Europe are particularly renowned:

There are several factors that distinguish a "normal" university from an "elite university". However, these are usually not in terms of content! Which means that you don't necessarily get a better education, nor do you become a better doctor.

In terms of learning, platforms such as Anvil or LecturioThe new course has already replaced conventional lectures for many medical students! The individual study content of the respective university is therefore no longer of great importance.

What makes an elite university

The bottom line is the reputation of the university. These factors, for example, have an influence on it:

  • Selection procedure (how difficult is it to be accepted at university)
  • History (which famous personalities have taught or studied there)
  • high Tuition fees
  • How long has the university been in existence
  • How competitive and difficult are the exams within the degree programme?
  • international research rankings

Studying medicine: Europe's elite universities

The following 10 universities fulfil almost all of the above criteria:

Career opportunities studying medicine: Is the university important?

Do you really have to study at one of these universities to start a successful career in medicine? In a nutshell: No, you don't necessarily have to!

First of all, we need to differentiate, because there are very different career goals that can all be worthwhile for you:

You want to be successful in research

This is the goal where the university you went to probably plays the biggest role. If you went to one of the universities mentioned and perhaps even achieved some good research results during your studies, then your chances are pretty good that you can become quite successful in research.

On the other hand, this does not mean that you cannot be successful in research at a "normal university". Rather, it depends on your own performance and final grades!

University clinics and other hospitals

First of all, it has to be said that there is a massive shortage of doctors in Germany. This is particularly true for hospitals in more rural areas.

These hospitals therefore do not necessarily have the privilege of being able to choose between many applicants. Conversely, for you this means that a "normal degree" is absolutely sufficient to get a residency position. Of course, it also depends on the specialisation you want to pursue, as there are different numbers of vacancies for this.

Once you've got the job you want, it all depends on you and your performance. Of course, the path to the position of chief physician also has a lot to do with relationships and contacts, but that is not necessarily the topic of this article.

If you want to work at the Charité or in Heidelberg, then it will certainly be an advantage if you have also studied there, but it is by no means impossible to get a place there with a good degree from another university.

Own specialist practice

The shortage of doctors is also serious here. GPs are desperately needed in many parts of Germany. And there are also many undersupplied areas in other specialities.

In addition, your degree is only of limited importance when you have your own practice. Entrepreneurial skills and your personality are much more important. Patients are usually less interested in which university you studied at.

Conclusion: Is the choice of university important for later success?

Studying medicine is actually an exception in this respect. Your final grades, research work and scientific activities, stays abroad and your personality are important. There is also a huge shortage of doctors. And not only in Germany!

The university you studied at can certainly make a difference in a direct comparison, but not everyone wants to go into research or become a professor at Harvard.

So think about the direction you want to take later on right from the start. If your grades are good enough to get a place at one of the universities mentioned, then seize this opportunity, as you will definitely have the chance to meet some interesting people and make important contacts for life.

If your grades are not good enough and you have to go to the Study abroad (Sofia University), then that's no problem either! Your career opportunities are not completely equal, but in the end it depends on your performance. There are plenty of job opportunities in any case, so you shouldn't worry about that.

Do you want to improve your numerus clausus?

Would you like to have a chance to study at the Charité in Berlin or in Heidelberg, but your NC is not good enough? Then maybe we can help you: The best strategy for your Numerus Clausus and everything you need to know at a glance.

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