How difficult is it to study medicine?

Henry Hildebrandt

Henry Hildebrandt

Advisor at futuredoctor

Reading time: 4 Minuten
Last updated: 18 June 2024
How difficult is it to study medicine?

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How difficult is it to study medicine? Studying medicine is generally regarded as one of the hardest degree programmes in the world! But how true is this myth? Do you have to be very intelligent to make it through medical school and become a doctor? If you're asking yourself these questions, then you've come to the right place. We want to explain to you what really matters.

The medical degree programme

In principle, the medical degree programme lasts 6 years. Within these 6 years, there are classical state universitiesa total of 3 state examinations. The first state exam is the so-called "Physikum", which has to be passed after about 2 years. This actually has the highest failure rate, with 10% failing the exams on average. The pass rate for the other two state examinations is around 97%. An average of 5% drop out during the course of their studies, which is quite low compared to other degree programmes.

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How do these figures come about?

If you talk to a medical student, they will most likely tell you that the Physikum was the hardest part of their degree programme. This is partly due to the fact that there is a lot of material in the first two years, some of which is quite theoretical and sometimes far removed from what you would expect from a medical degree programme. And secondly, at the beginning of the degree programme you're simply not really prepared for the learning load, because you only really learn how learning works over time.

The material for the other two state exams is even more in terms of quantity alone than was necessary for the Physikum, but the reference here is much more practical and normally corresponds to the idea you had of studying medicine. The pressure of the Physikum is behind you and you know how to study most effectively.

There are various reasons why the drop-out rate is so low. One of them is certainly that people are reluctant to give up the place they have fought so hard for. Even those who have been through the Baccalaureate quota have been working for this place for 2.5 years. NC fought for. You don't want to give that up easily. On the other hand, it is of course also Simply a very nice degree programme!

How difficult is it to study medicine?

It should definitely be made clear that you don't have to be highly intelligent to study medicine! To be honest, intelligence is not very important. Ultimately, it's about your knowledge and your social skills. A high IQ is not necessarily a prerequisite. Prerequisite.

It is much more important that you show a lot of discipline and perseverance. But it is precisely these two attributes that follow if you simply have the will to master your studies and become a doctor. In short: the will alone counts. Everything else will follow over time.

Everyone will come to a point during their medical studies where they are simply overwhelmed. At this point, the only thing that makes the difference is your stamina. And that's exactly how it is later in your career.

Anyone can complete the degree programme

If you are currently considering whether you are capable of studying medicine, then ask yourself one thing above all: How much do I want to become a doctor and how interested am I in the subject of medicine?

The rest is not important. Don't take advice on this subject from people who have not yet studied medicine. Half-truths are often spread that will only discourage you in the end. Any medical student will tell you that you can definitely do the degree!

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