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The job portal praktischArzt from Mannheim and futuredoctor, a placement agency for prospective medical students in other European countries, have entered into a cooperation agreement as of 1 August 2022.
The cooperation between futuredoctor and the successful job portal for doctors, praktischArzt, is intended to make even more young people aware of alternative opportunities to study medicine in other European countries. The aim is to counteract the growing shortage of doctors in the future. "We recognise the importance of praktischArzt in the German healthcare system and are therefore very pleased to have such a strong sparring partner on our side in the future," says MUDr. MUDr Amandeep Grewal, Managing Director and Co-Founder of futuredoctor.
There is a shortage of thousands of study places for prospective doctors in Germany. The medical associations regularly sound the alarm, as the number of doctors retiring in the foreseeable future is constantly increasing. The lack of university places is also fuelling the shortage of doctors. The founders of futuredoctor have already made it their mission during their own medical studies to advise prospective medical students on the alternative of studying medicine in neighbouring European countries and, if interested, to successfully refer them to universities.
The lack of study place capacities at state medical faculties in Germany and the high requirements due to a very low NC (Numerus Clausus) deny many prospective students access to their dream degree programme in medicine and also to their dream job as a doctor. This is despite the fact that the healthcare system has been complaining about a shortage of doctors for years. "We are very positive about the collaboration and look forward to being able to help even more prospective medical students, in addition to doctors, to find their dream job in the future and thus contribute to counteracting the shortage of doctors a little," says Timo Krasko, Managing Director of praktischArzt. "Educational work and information about the profession as well as the everyday working life of a doctor from before graduation until retirement are an important part of our portals and our daily work," adds Michael Schmitt, also Managing Director of praktischArzt.
The team around the two founders of futuredoctor, now both doctors themselves with experience of studying abroad in Europe, provides comprehensive support for their applicants and prospective medical students in preparing for any admission procedures, application procedures and bureaucracy at individual foreign faculties and study locations and supports them on site during their studies.
The job portal praktischArzt, part of pA Medien GmbH based in Mannheim, has been able to establish itself as a leading career and information portal for doctors over the last 8 years. Every month, the pA Medien GmbH portals praktischArzt and Medi-Karriere (https://www.medi-karriere.de/) reach over two million visitors and serve a large proportion of hospitals and healthcare facilities in Germany.
Press contact:
futureDOCTOR GmbH
Management: MUDr Amandeep Grewal, MUDr Andreas Zehetner
Stubenbastei 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
+49 89 1222 36140
+43 1 3612 3220
pA Medien GmbH
Management: Michael Schmitt, Timo Krasko
Innere Wingertstrasse 9, 68309 Mannheim
Phone: +49 69 400 30 101
Further material: presseportal.de/pm/156596/5323710
OTS: pA Medien GmbH