☝️ The most important facts in brief
- A letter of motivation for studying medicine should be approximately one DIN A4 page long.
- A clear structure is required.
- The letter of motivation is an important part of your application documents and should therefore be written carefully.
- At the end of this article, you will find a sample that will help you to write the letter in the appropriate form.
📖 Table of contents
For your application to many universities, you will need a convincing letter of motivation. After all, studying medicine is demanding, which is why the university needs to be convinced in advance that you are suitable for this degree programme. The letter describes your relevant experience and skills and shows what motivates you to study. A clear structure, convincing examples and the avoidance of typical mistakes ensure that a successful letter of motivation increases your chances of being accepted. Medical study place at the university.
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What exactly is your motivation for studying?
Before you write your letter of motivation, you should be clear about what motivates you. Why exactly do you want to Study medicine? Are there perhaps experiences from your childhood or your A-levels that have awakened your interest in this field? Is it a fascination with a specific part of the human body, the entire organism or the healing of diseases? Or perhaps something completely different?
Only if you are clear about why exactly you are applying for this degree programme can you put these motivations into authentic words and convince those responsible at the university that you are the right person to study medicine at their university.
It is therefore important to analyse your own motivations and individual ideas about studying medicine in order to be able to write a really good letter afterwards. Feel free to question your choice of degree programme and university again. By making yourself aware of why you would enjoy studying medicine despite all the hurdles and demands, the content of the letter of motivation will almost write itself.
How to write a good letter of motivation for medical school
A convincing letter of motivation is an important factor for your university application. You not only need to explain your desire to study medicine, but also your motives and suitability in the cover letter. In the following sections, you will learn how to structure your letter as an applicant, which style you should choose and which pitfalls to avoid.
We will also give you tips on post-editing so that your document is error-free and professional. Let's work together to ensure that your text fulfils all requirements and that your application is successful!
Structure of a letter of motivation
A well-structured letter of motivation is crucial for a successful application for a place to study medicine. Your text should be clearly and logically structured so that the reader can easily understand your thoughts and is convinced of your suitability in the end. The structure could look like this, for example:
- IntroductionIntroduce yourself briefly and explain why you are interested in studying medicine at the university in question.
- MotivationDescribe why you want to study medicine. Explain what events or interests made you decide to study medicine. Also talk about your strengths and abilities and what subject you are particularly interested in.
- ExperienceExplain in the document how you have already encountered health and medical topics in your life and to what extent you have already gained practical experience. This could be internships or voluntary work, for example.
- GoalsClarify what goal you would like to achieve by studying medicine. Explain why the university in question is the right choice for you.
- ConclusionSummarise the most important points and thank you for the opportunity to apply. Express your hope of realising your dream of studying medicine.
What title should the document have?
Most application pages begin with a heading. This is also the case with the letter of motivation. However, the heading can be informal in this document. A simple "Letter of motivation" is theoretically sufficient. However, you can also be more creative and write the following, for example:
- "Why I am suitable for studying at XXX University"
- "Everything you should know about me"
- "How I would like to get involved in my studies at your university"
It is important that you come up with a title that matches the rest of the cover letter and its content.
Style: You need to consider these aspects in your cover letter
The style of your letter is important to make the right impression on universities. Pay attention to the following aspects:
- Clarity and precisionUse simple and understandable sentences. Your text should be error-free and convey the important information clearly.
- AuthenticityAlways be yourself when writing. Avoid empty phrases and exaggerated jargon, but still show that you have dealt intensively with the topic and the most important questions about studying medicine.
- PersonalityYour cover letter should speak directly to the reader and reflect the positive aspects of your personality. Emphasise your unique strengths in the right places.
- Clear threadUse logical transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth reading flow. Don't get bogged down.
- Less is more: A document that is several pages long is not only unnecessary, but also often leads to resentment among those who have to read it. Keep it short instead. One A4 page is sufficient for a letter of motivation.
You should avoid these mistakes in your cover letter
Avoid the typical pitfalls to give yourself the best chance of securing a place at university. Don't just copy a sample from the internet where you only replace the location and other personal details. Instead, personalise your letter! You will also find a sample letter of motivation at the end of this guide. This should only be seen as a suggestion. You should definitely use the opportunity to customise the template so that it suits you and your individual motives.
Limit your cover letter to one page. A letter that is several pages long - especially if it does not follow a very clear structure - confuses the reader.
It almost goes without saying that spelling mistakes are a no-go. So use spelling programmes, check the document carefully yourself at the end and ideally have another person check that everything is spelt correctly.

What must be mentioned in the letter of motivation?
A convincing letter of motivation must set out certain key points clearly and precisely without requiring many pages. Here are the most important points that you should definitely mention:
- Motivation: The name of the document says it all: the letter should make it clear why you are interested in the programme. Make it clear that the position at this university is not just one of many options for you.
- Internships: Have you already completed internships? It often makes sense to Nursing internship before you apply to the university. This way you can show that you are serious about your studies.
- Relevant hobbies: The letter of motivation does not only have to include the applicant's educational and professional qualifications. For example, if you have carried out relevant activities as part of a hobby, you should also mention this.
- Achievements in the natural sciences: Did you take part in "Jugend forscht" or a similar competition during your school years? The addressees of the motivation letter should know this.
- Why should it be exactly this university? Make it clear why you have decided in favour of the selection procedure at this university. Make it clear to the people in charge that you have informed yourself thoroughly and that you deliberately want to study there.
Letter of motivation for medicine: You can use this sample as a template
Why studying at XXX University is my big dream
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure that I am applying for a place to study human medicine at your renowned university. Ever since I was a child, I have harboured the dream of studying medicine and helping people with health issues.
During my school years, I was already very interested in the natural sciences and the interrelationships of the human body. I particularly liked biology and chemistry.
I was able to gain formative experience during my voluntary work with the German Red Cross. Here, I was able to look over the shoulders of doctors at times, gain my first experience in the medical field and experience the direct contact with doctors. Contact us with patients. This has further strengthened my motivation to study medicine.
Your university offers a wide range of opportunities for personal and academic development. I was particularly impressed by the extensive patient communication programme and the modern laboratory facilities for courses and research students and doctors.
As a competent and empathetic doctor, my aim is to support patients in the healing and prevention of diseases. I am convinced that your degree programme in Human Medicine will prepare me optimally for this task.
I am looking forward to contributing my skills and motivation to my studies and am prepared to face the challenges of studying medicine and to invest a lot of time in it. I am available to answer your questions at any time and would be delighted to receive an invitation for a personal interview.
Yours sincerely
[your name]
This sample is an example of what a cover letter can look like. However, always make sure that your own letter remains authentic and clearly presents your own personal experiences and goals. The template is merely a guide. Avoid general phrases and be specific about your motivation and strengths.
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