Overcoming exam anxiety: the most effective strategies

MUDr Andreas Zehetner

MUDr Andreas Zehetner

CO-Founder of futuredoctor

Reading time: 14 Minuten
Last updated: 24 October 2024

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • When studying medicine, students regularly have to take an examination. If the associated anxiety gets out of hand, this can have a significant impact on the people affected.
  • Exam anxiety manifests itself in symptoms such as a racing heart, panic, the famous "lump in the throat" and, in the worst case, a total blackout.
  • There are effective strategies you can use to overcome test anxiety and improve your performance in exams.
  • In the case of severe exam anxiety, psychological help may be appropriate to help you cope better with pressure.

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Whether you are a pupil, student or applicant for a recruitment test, many people experience exam anxiety. In contrast to your A-levels or driving licence, however, you are very regularly confronted with such a situation when studying medicine, as almost every course ends with a written or oral exam. This means there is a particularly high risk of anxiety becoming entrenched. This article explains what exam anxiety actually is and provides important tips on how to overcome it.

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What is exam anxiety?

Firstly, some good news: it is perfectly normal for students to feel anxious before or during an exam. As long as this anxiety is kept within reasonable limits and does not significantly hinder exam preparation, everything is fine.

However, if you are no longer able to perform at the level you are actually capable of due to anxiety and it may even jeopardise the success of your studies, it is important to take action against it. Problematic exam anxiety manifests itself in physical symptoms such as a racing heart, panic and trembling. It can even lead to a so-called blackout, where your head seems empty and you suddenly don't remember anything of what you had actually internalised while studying.

Fear during the exam situation

The actual exam is the peak of exam anxiety for most students. If it comes to a blackout here, those affected can suddenly say almost nothing more about the subject they were previously able to answer every question about.

This strong reaction to stress naturally leads to significantly poorer performance and often to failing the exam. This in turn leads to a vicious circle, as the fear of failure is now even greater due to the actual poor performance during the exam. This is another reason why it is important to know the right strategies for overcoming exam anxiety in good time.

Exam anxiety causes impairment long before the actual exam

Exam anxiety does not just cause a significant drop in performance during the exam. It often begins long beforehand.

Even during exam preparation, anxiety can have a strong influence on learning. The constant tension and fear of failure lead to concentration problems. Even the anticipation of nice things is overshadowed by constant negative thoughts.

Exam anxiety makes it much harder to prepare for exams, which of course means that top performance is no longer possible. Once again, this shows that manifest test anxiety is a real vicious circle: The anxiety leads to poorer grades and possibly failing the exam. This in turn reinforces the feeling of not being good enough and the fear of failure.

Stage fright or real exam nerves?

Nervousness before exams is normal and cannot be equated with genuine test anxiety. An accelerated heartbeat, a dry mouth and trembling hands occur in many people in challenging situations. This excitement can even help you to perform well.

Exam nerves, on the other hand, go deeper. It blocks almost everything in the mind, which can affect the entire study programme. Thoughts can no longer be controlled and those affected are no longer in a position to present to the examiners the knowledge they have actually acquired while studying.

Causes and symptoms of test anxiety - Understanding test anxiety

Test anxiety is usually caused by high pressure and the fear of failure. Possible causes include previous failures or the feeling of not living up to expectations. The symptoms can be both physical and psychological and are usually very stressful for those affected.

Understanding the causes of test anxiety is often the first step towards successfully overcoming it.

Physical symptoms of exam anxiety

The physical symptoms of exam anxiety include a racing heart, trembling, sweating and nausea. Some sufferers also experience shortness of breath or the feeling of having a lump in their throat. These physical reactions are an expression of the high level of tension and stress caused by the upcoming exam.

Psychological impairment due to the fear of failure

Persistent test anxiety can put a strain on everyday life. Those affected often doubt their own abilities. They feel depressed and helpless, as even the best efforts to learn do not change the fact that there is a risk of blacking out at every exam.

The constant fear of failure can lead to chronic stress and even depression. In the long term, self-confidence decreases, which further increases exam anxiety. Professional help may be necessary to break this cycle and regain self-confidence.

In the worst case, constant exam anxiety can lead to depression.

What happens during a blackout?

If a blackout occurs during an exam, it is a very frightening situation for those affected. All the information that was still safely stored during learning has suddenly disappeared and the mind seems empty.

Although the knowledge is actually there, the student can no longer communicate it to the examiner. The heart races, the hands tremble and the nervousness grows immeasurably. To avoid such blackouts and the associated failure, it is important to get a grip on exam anxiety at an early stage and, if necessary, learn effective relaxation techniques.

Tips for overcoming exam nerves

Exam anxiety is not only a serious threat to exam success and the success of your studies, but it can also have a very negative impact on your everyday life. It is therefore highly advisable to do something about the negative thoughts and the vicious circle of anxiety. We have put together some valuable tips for you to combat exam anxiety.

Know the causes of anxiety

In order to overcome exam nerves, it is important to know the reasons for your anxiety. Therefore, ask yourself what exactly makes you nervous. It can also be very revealing to ask yourself when you first felt exam anxiety. For many of those affected, this was the case during their A-level exams or driving test.

Ask yourself what exactly you were afraid of in the situations in question and whether this fear was justified. Knowing the origin of your fears can be an important step in working through everything and combating exam anxiety.

Prepare well for the exam

Thorough preparation is an important prerequisite for being able to go into an exam relaxed and face the examiner's questions without unnecessary worry.

The better prepared you are for an exam, the less likely you are to be thrown off course by anything that happens or goes wrong during the exam. The most important thing is that you know yourself that you have what it takes to pass the exam. This is just as true for school pupils during their A-levels as it is for students.

Simulate exam situations

Re-enacting an exam helps you to learn to deal with the stress that is common in exams. For example, stand in front of the mirror and imagine that the examiner is asking you a question that you now have to answer.

When studying, don't just answer typical exam questions in your head, but recite the answer out loud or write it down when preparing for an exam. This way, you will be better prepared in an emergency and know exactly what you need to know to pass the exam.

No stress while learning

Even studying is often associated with unnecessarily high levels of stress and can trigger panic if you suffer from exam nerves. One of the most important tips to combat exam nerves is therefore a sensible learning structure.

Plan breaks and avoid studying for too long at a time. It is much more effective if you read complex texts in small units and then tell yourself something about the content in front of the mirror or write down questions about the topic than if the reading time is much longer and many facts from the text simply won't stick in your head.

Meaningful daily structure

In addition to exam anxiety, high levels of tension are often caused by a poorly structured day. By planning your times and sticking to this plan, the pressure is almost automatically reduced.

By starting to study early and consistently sticking to your self-imposed study times, you don't have to panic before the exams because you don't have enough time to work through all the content.

Also make sure you plan enough time for hobbies, friends and relaxation. In this way, you can ensure that you maintain the balance that is important for physical and mental health

Get enough sleep

Sleep is an indispensable factor for a healthy mind. Only a well-rested mind can perform at its best in any situation. Plan fixed bedtimes and stick to them even in stressful phases. A study marathon until the middle of the night will not have any positive long-term effects.

Numerous studies have shown that a good night's sleep before an exam improves performance and reduces nervousness. A consistent evening routine is a great help in falling asleep better.

Regular relaxation exercises

If you ask experts for effective tips against exam anxiety, relaxation exercises are often mentioned. They help to reduce stress and reduce tension permanently.

Remember to do the planned relaxation exercises, especially before exams. This will allow you to approach the exam situation with more calm and composure.

Doing sport

Sport is an excellent way of taking your mind off things and overcoming exam anxiety. Physical activity reduces stress and promotes the release of happiness hormones.

Studies also show that regular sport and the resulting physical fitness make both pupils and students more resilient. This means you are better equipped for the stressful exam phases and the actual exam situations.

Internalise strategies for emergencies

Even the best preparation is of little help if panic breaks out in an emergency. You therefore need emergency strategies to help you avoid a blackout during the exam. These include, for example, breathing techniques that calm you down or a mantra that can direct your thoughts positively.

Practise dicey situations, write down motivational phrases that can get you out of your mental rut and realise that you can overcome your exam nerves despite adverse circumstances.

Regular exercise can distract you from your exam nerves and help you deal with them better.

Seek help for exam anxiety in good time

If you realise that your exam anxiety is severely affecting your life and your studies, you should seek help in good time. Exam anxiety is not something to be ashamed of, as many students are affected by it.

If you realise that your anxiety is getting worse and is more than just ordinary stage fright, you should seek help so that you can go into an exam more relaxed again. Talking to other people affected or to the examiner can be helpful in working on your anxiety and ultimately overcoming it. Don't hesitate to take measures in good time so that you can successfully complete your studies without breaking under the pressure.

When is psychological help appropriate?

If exam anxiety is significantly affecting your studies and perhaps even your daily life, it makes sense to consult a psychologist. Exam anxiety can be overcome, and these professionals can give you further very helpful tips and support you with effective exercises.

Psychologists can also help you to recognise the underlying causes of exam anxiety. This not only helps you to get a better grip on exam stress, but also prevents the fear of failure from becoming relevant again at a later point in your life, for example because your professional or private situation changes and presents you with new challenges.

Medication for exam anxiety: useful or dangerous?

In severe cases, medication can certainly help to treat exam anxiety. However, they should always be taken in consultation with a doctor.

However, tranquillisers, which can be addictive, should not be considered. They neither combat the causes of exam anxiety nor can they change anything about the causes. In some cases, beta blockers are used to break the cycle of physical symptoms and the resulting increase in nervousness. Here too, however, it is important to discuss the individual indication with the doctor treating you and not to dose the medication arbitrarily.

The main aim of treating exam anxiety should always be to overcome the fear in the long term and to be able to cope with both the preparation and the exam itself without unnecessary psychological restrictions.

Strengthen your self-confidence

Strong self-confidence helps to overcome exam nerves. Fortunately, positive thinking and effective self-motivation can be learnt. Practise presentations and talk to other people about your progress. Visualise your successes for yourself and realise what you can achieve.

Can test anxiety be overcome permanently?

If you are affected by exam anxiety, this does not mean that the situation has to stay like this forever and that you are helplessly at its mercy. By consistently implementing the various tips, using relaxation techniques and, if necessary, seeking psychological help, you can overcome your anxiety.

Many successful doctors suffered from exam nerves as young women or young men, but ultimately successfully completed their medical studies and are now among the best in their profession.

No more fear of difficult exams

With targeted preparation, positive thoughts and the right strategies, you can overcome your exam nerves. This will allow you to go into the exams with confidence again and perform at your best. The successful completion of your medical degree will be within reach.

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