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The idea of studying medicine is dismissed by many prospective students because the prevailing belief is that you have no chance of getting a place at university without a 1.0 A-level anyway. But this is wrong. And not only that: Study medicine without A-levels is definitely possible! In this article, you will find all the relevant information about the options for studying medicine without an Abitur or university entrance qualification. You can still fulfil your dream of a career as a doctor and start your medical studies (e.g. dentistry or human medicine) without a university entrance qualification.
futuredoctor does not provide support in obtaining a medical degree without an Abitur.
The minimum requirement for applying to study medicine together with futuredoctor is a university entrance qualification.
Are you interested in studying medicine abroad?
Prerequisite: A-levels or vocational baccalaureate
We will be happy to advise you free of charge on your options for studying medicine, including advice on studying medicine in another EU country, which is fully recognised in all federal states in Germany. This requires an Abitur or at least a Fachabitur.
Alternative routes into medical school
In order to fulfil the admission requirements, you will always need a university entrance qualification. You receive this with your Abitur certificate and can then apply for a university place in Germany.
There are also options, Studying medicine with a specialised baccalaureate.
If you want to take your chance at studying medicine without an Abitur, you have three different options for obtaining a university entrance qualification.
Option 1: Access to higher education through advanced vocational training
The advanced vocational training programme is not only for applicants who have completed further training in the healthcare sector, but is also of interest to anyone who has no professional experience in the medical field. If you fulfil one of the following requirements, you have the opportunity to apply for a place on the course:
- Completed training / further training in the healthcare sector or in the social care and social education sector, e.g.
- Carer
- geriatric nurse
- Nutritionist
- Specialist paediatric nurse
- Specialist for outpatient care
- Master craftsman examination according to the Crafts Code, e.g.
- Master optician
- Master baker
- Master roofer
- Master hairdresser
- Master painter
- Master dental technician
- Training qualification that includes at least 400 hours, such as
- Master gardener
- Animal caretaker
- Master winemaker
- Degree: Technical college qualification
Option 2: University entrance with relevant vocational training
Under certain conditions, you can apply for a subject-specific university entrance qualification and study medicine without an Abitur. Previous medical experience is essential. The requirements include
- Degree: Secondary school leaving certificate
- Completed vocational training (minimum duration of training: 2 years, grade in final certificate better than 2.5); examples:
- Medical assistant
- Occupational therapist
- Healthcare and nursing assistant
- Medical assistant
- Emergency paramedic
- At least three years of professional experience in the medical field
Option 3: University entrance with non-specialised vocational training and entrance examination
Even if you have a vocational qualification in a different subject, you can still apply for a job without an Abitur. Medical study place qualify. You should fulfil the following requirements:
- Vocational training in a non-medical field (minimum duration 2 years)
- 3 years of professional activity, e.g.
- Voluntary military service Federal voluntary service
- Voluntary Social Year (FSJ)
- Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ)
- Work as a development worker
- Further completed vocational training of at least two years
- Part-time jobs
The following can also be taken into account: bringing up a minor child, being the main responsible and independent head of the family household, caring for a relative
If you would like to apply via this applicant group, you must take an entrance exam.
The direct university entrance qualification
With university admission through advanced vocational training or relevant vocational training, you will receive a direct university entrance qualification when applying for a place to study medicine.
By holding one of these qualifications and the direct university entrance qualification, you are subject to the same rules as prospective students with an Abitur. This means you do not have to take an additional entrance exam to prove your ability.
How can I improve my application grade in the admission procedure for medical studies?
As your university entrance qualification is automatically assessed with a grade of 4.0 on Hochschulstart via the advanced vocational training programme, you should consider voluntarily taking an entrance exam. This could significantly increase your chances of being accepted at your university of choice.
What content can you expect in the entrance exam?
The additional entrance examination, which you will need in any case if you are applying to study medicine with a non-specialist vocational qualification, primarily tests your technical and methodological requirements. No previous medical knowledge is required. Your knowledge in subjects such as German, biology, chemistry and maths will be tested in four written and one oral exam. There may also be occasional questions on general knowledge or topics such as politics or economics.
How can you prepare for the entrance exam?
In order to prepare well for the entrance exam, you should inform yourself in detail about the contents of the exam. As the exam is university-specific, you can find all the relevant information on the website of your chosen university. Learning material for preparation is usually also provided there.
Study abroad: study medicine without A-levels
You also have the opportunity to study medicine abroad without an Abitur. There are, for example, in the USA, Turkey or in Bulgaria Some universities accept international applicants for medical studies without a high school diploma. Admission is usually granted via an entrance test, a letter of motivation and a personal interview.
futuredoctor does not provide support in obtaining a medical degree without an Abitur.
The minimum requirement for applying to study medicine together with futuredoctor is a university entrance qualification.
Frequently asked questions
FAQs on studying medicine without A-levels
Is it possible to study medicine without a high school diploma?
Yes, it is possible to study medicine without an Abitur. There are alternative ways to obtain a university entrance qualification to study medicine.
What alternatives are there to the traditional A-levels for studying medicine?
In addition to the Abitur, you can also obtain a university entrance qualification for medical studies with a vocational baccalaureate or through advanced vocational training.
How can you study medicine with vocational training?
If you have completed training or further training in the healthcare or social care sector as well as a master craftsman's examination in accordance with the Crafts Code, you can apply to study medicine.
Which professional qualifications qualify students to study medicine without an Abitur?
Qualifications such as nursing specialist, geriatric nurse, nutritionist, but also master craftsman examinations in various trades can provide access to medical studies.
Is it possible to study medicine if you have the relevant vocational training?
Yes, under certain conditions, such as a completed vocational training programme in the medical field and relevant professional experience, you can study medicine without an Abitur.
What options are there for people with non-specialist vocational training?
People with non-specialist vocational training can qualify for medical studies by taking an entrance examination. The upbringing of a minor child or caring for a relative can also be recognised.
What does "direct university entrance qualification" mean in the context of advanced vocational training?
With advanced vocational training or vocational training in a relevant subject, you receive a direct university entrance qualification for medical studies without having to take an additional entrance examination.
How can you improve your application grade for medical school?
The application grade for advanced vocational training is automatically given a grade of 4.0. Voluntary participation in an entrance examination can increase the chances of admission.
What content awaits you in the entrance examination for medical studies without an Abitur?
The entrance examination tests subject-specific and methodological requirements. It comprises written examinations in subjects such as German, biology, chemistry, maths and an oral examination.
Is it possible to study medicine abroad without a high school diploma?
Yes, there are universities abroad, for example in the USA, Turkey or Bulgaria, that accept international students for medical studies without a high school diploma. Admission is often based on entrance tests, letters of motivation and personal interviews.
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